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Category: humour

One Of These Is Not Like The Others

One Of These Is Not Like The Others

Last weekend I made a side trip to my local Office Max, mostly because it was enroute to the other errands I had to run. I’d mentioned that I needed a ream of paper to print my manuscript out on so I could read through it. And, as I was clearing one intersection and headed towards the next I saw the glowing red sign and made a split second choice to run in. The thing is, there’s just no such…

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Tacos Gone Hot

Tacos Gone Hot

When we moved into our temporary home in 2021, it took me a while to wrestle the new space into usefulness. We’d come from a very large home, with an expansive kitchen that included a walk-in pantry, multiple drawers to hold all my kitchen goods, and even a couple of spare floor to ceiling cupboards for overflow. Our temporary home has exactly 6 drawers, 7 cupboards, and one small pantry that’s located around the corner from the kitchen. Now, this…

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A Writer’s Mind

A Writer’s Mind

Since December 1st, I’ve been in edit mode. Sloppy edits, tight edits, spoken edits. Edit. Edit. Edit. Some days I’m editing edits of edits I thought I’d tightened up and could leave in the final draft pile.  It’s all part of the process, and while it may not be the most glamorous, or best part of writing, it can still be fun. After all, things can still emerge about characters. For instance, each time I think I’ve sorted who is…

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Me In The Middle

Me In The Middle

I have this little song I sing when I’m driving, it doesn’t have a particular tune that I could give you to sing it yourself, but it goes like this, “me in the middle..” Repeatedly, until I turn a corner. I sang this so much upon our return to the US that my family knew it was wise not to try and communicate with me when we were stopped at intersections because if they did I’d just sing this silly…

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