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Category: Short STory



She was born on the fourth of July amidst the parades, picnics, and scorching heat. They named her Liberty because it seemed fitting and patriotic considering the occasion. Marge, humming the Star-Spangled Banner, stared out the hospital window as the sky blossomed with fireworks in an array of patriotic colors, and Bert held their daughter. They share the story every year, embellishing it here and there, always trying to convince people they’d aptly named their carefree and wild child. The…

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“Although we claim it began with coffee, in truth, it started with the alarm. It’s shrill insistence I drag myself from bed came an hour too late. I subjected myself to dry shampoo and a slightly wrinkled navy pant suit before running out the door, and reached the corner just in time to watch the bus pull away; the air filled with the stench of its putrid exhaust.” Mandy’s engagement ring sparkled in the sun. “She looked so bedraggled, I…

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Agatha opened the door, and the ghostly apparitions floated through the air, leaving traces of dust in their wake. Three of them ascended the stairs, their translucent forms chasing each other, two huddled together over the kitchen sink, their whispers like wind. A lone specter sat on the sofa, telegram dangling from its fingers, and wept. Agatha closed her eyes, attempting to escape the haunting memories. A door slammed, jolting her back to reality, her eyes snapped open. In the…

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The great Mystique whooped and jumped from the open plane. Cold air stung his cheeks as he somersaulted and dipped through the air. He loved showing off for new students, making their first solo dives. The small group zipped towards him, and Mystique plunged through the circle they formed. Once clear, he deployed his parachute, but it failed to open. Free falling towards the earth, he yanked again. Nothing. The ground rushed closer, and a student spotting Mystique’s distress dove…

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