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Category: Tear Jerker



Milly stands beside the pool, arms crossed, and falls backwards into the cool, clean water. Body sinking towards the bottom, she wonders when she’ll run out of air. Eyes opened, the chlorine stinging them as she watches her stethoscope fall, wet blood stained muted green scrubs clinging to her. Small bubbles of air escape her nose, floating upwards like clouds. She sits on the bottom of the pool, and grief glues her there until her lungs burn for air. Someone…

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Lucky is one of those dogs that we “rescued” from the side of the road. People throw animals out of their windows like empty soda cans. Sometimes they make them get out and stay while the owner drives off. And sometimes, they up and move leaving their pet behind. My family does volunteer work for the Humane Society. Saving the animals is fine with me. Feeding and watering them isn’t a problem, and I don’t even mind cleaning up after…

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The Story Keeper

The Story Keeper

“Do come in,” Gran said, her warm smile welcoming me at the door, “but be quick, I want to tell you a story before it slips my mind.” And like a gust of wind she is gone, back through her tiny entry way and around the corner, likely to the kitchen. I paused in the entry way to slip off my shoes, coming by Gran’s every afternoon was a daily habit I had. You’d never know it though, Gran greeted…

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