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Category: Writing

Silent Footsteps

Silent Footsteps

Alice roamed the abandoned mansion, ignoring cobwebs and creaky floors. Wind fluttered through a cracked window, the curtain billowing in the breeze. She watched a dark, bruised cloud cover the harvest moon before heading downstairs. Voices still haunt her, creeping into dreams that wake her and send her scurrying for cover. Years of experience taught her how to hide amongst the shadows, move unseen through the oversized house. In the living room, she watched the newcomer try the light switch,…

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Grandma’s Kitchen

Grandma’s Kitchen

1. The formica table which sat below the window that was far too high on the wall. Or maybe I was so much shorter, and it seemed abnormally high to me. The table was always full of projects, papers, coupons, and bowls. The deseeding of figs for her sister, the coupons to give away. There was nothing particularly special or beautiful about the white and black table, but I remember how we sat in the battered chairs and discussed many…

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First Impressions

First Impressions

I stand in the middle of the crowd and know what people think as they stare at me. They see me smile as I give them my full attention. I listen and nod while they share their woes and troubles. I offer sympathy without judgment, and an encouraging word where I can. They stare into my eyes, which I presume are gray or brown or whatever color they were when I was born. It’s hard to remember, because I haven’t…

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NaNoWriMo 2023 Goals

NaNoWriMo 2023 Goals

NaNoWriMo is only two weeks away as I write this, and I’m working on my November writing goals. I’m a planner by nature. Sometimes I become a little too obsessed with the plan, and I have to remind myself it’s just a tool to help me remember all the things I’m supposed to tackle in a day. I mentioned my main project would be a retelling of the Nativity in a modern day setting. Of course, this means it will…

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