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Tag: 100 Words

The Casserole

The Casserole

The kids were coming for Sunday dinner, and Matilda bustled around the kitchen. George dutifully stayed out of the way, one eye trained out the window as he waited. Scott arrived first, kids racing to the door. Nora trailed after with the baby, pausing as Mike and Hetty pulled in, offering hugs before everyone congregated on the porch. George hurried to warn them.  “She’s made the casserole.”  Groans replaced the laughter and hubbub. Nobody wanted to tell Matilda they detested…

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Crime Scene

Crime Scene

He ducked under the crime scene tape and no one gave him a second glance as he squatted down and inspected the splatter and drag marks. He nodded, scribbling something in a small notebook. Behind him, the swarm of first responders collecting evidence took no notice of him. Why would they? Dressed to match them, he’d even remembered the disposable gloves this time.  “Find anything?” a detective asked. “Not yet,” he lied, concealing the incriminating footprint. “Can’t believe he’s eluded…

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Not Gonna Make It

Not Gonna Make It

Tom glanced down the path ahead. It rolled uphill and around a curve. Guzzled the last of his water and wiped his sweaty forehead with a trembling hand. Legs fatigued, and certain he’d fall, Tom collapsed on the hot blacktop. “I’m down for the count. Not gonna make it, but I’ve had a good run. Go on without me. Tell them I tried.” Janice glanced over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. “You gonna do this our entire walk? We…

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Secret Mission

Secret Mission

The mission wasn’t over. Olivia glanced over her shoulder, making sure no one was watching. Drained the pot of boiling pasta, and pulled the glass pan from the microwave. Dropped the contents in a blender, and added the ingredients from a saucepan on the stove. The blender whirled to life when she flipped the switch. Noise reverberated around the kitchen. Feet clambered upstairs, and Olivia hurried to empty the mixture from the blender into the pan of macaroni before the…

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