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Tag: dabble

Not Gonna Make It

Not Gonna Make It

Tom glanced down the path ahead. It rolled uphill and around a curve. Guzzled the last of his water and wiped his sweaty forehead with a trembling hand. Legs fatigued, and certain he’d fall, Tom collapsed on the hot blacktop. “I’m down for the count. Not gonna make it, but I’ve had a good run. Go on without me. Tell them I tried.” Janice glanced over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. “You gonna do this our entire walk? We…

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Secret Mission

Secret Mission

The mission wasn’t over. Olivia glanced over her shoulder, making sure no one was watching. Drained the pot of boiling pasta, and pulled the glass pan from the microwave. Dropped the contents in a blender, and added the ingredients from a saucepan on the stove. The blender whirled to life when she flipped the switch. Noise reverberated around the kitchen. Feet clambered upstairs, and Olivia hurried to empty the mixture from the blender into the pan of macaroni before the…

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Nobody Was Surprised

Nobody Was Surprised

It didn’t surprise anyone when it happened. Not really, and anyone who said otherwise wanted assurance of a clean conscience for not helping her learn to drive. They’d all sat idly by and watched it unfold, whispering their opinions and betting on failure. Which is why it didn’t surprise anyone when the car skidded across the wet road, flew over the embankment, and plummeted into the rocky ravine. No, what surprised everyone was when they realized Tammy was standing beside…

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They said she was important, but only called when they wanted help. Their first thought in a crisis, their last for fun. Sometimes she wondered if she was invisible, a phantom floating through life. If ghosts were real, she might have acknowledged the wayward image. Instead, she batted it away, mind flitting to the next thought. If she vanished into the night, how long before they realized she was gone? She double-tapped their party photos to appease them, but her…

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