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Tag: Micro Stories

Enchanted Dawn

Enchanted Dawn

Once vibrant with laughter, an enchantment struck the fairy’s realm and cloaked them in eternal night. Only the stars overhead and the full round moon lit their path, but soon icy darkness overcame them.  Until, one day, deep within the forest, a young fairy heard a faint stuttering tick. Curious, she searched until she uncovered a tarnished silver object. Behind its cracked face, two thin arms struggled to move. Intrigued, she reached for it, and the item glowed. When she…

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“Where’d you find these?” The stooped man behind the counter scrutinized the parchment, capable of reading the symbols that made no sense to me.  Father shook his head. I’d discovered the scrolls in a cave amongst the limestone cliffs when a goat wandered off as if it had somewhere better to be. If the world knew, they’d descend upon our desert in droves, decimating it in search of unearthing their own prizes. Instead, father insisted we sell them. “Do you…

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Midnight Visitor

Midnight Visitor

Hair rose along my arms as I laid in the darkened tent, forcing myself to breathe and remain calm. I’d woken to movement in my sleeping bag, and terrified to move, I couldn’t even nudge Jack for help. Overwhelmed by the need to scream, icy dread ran down my spine, breaths coming in small gasps as something brushed against my legs. Tourists’ concern about wildlife in Australia no longer seemed amusing, and I whimpered. Jack woke and turned a flashlight…

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Papa, whiskers twitching with a smile, wiped his cow shoes before wrapping them in a scrap of cloth and hiding them in the back of the closet. On this moonless night, he’d walked deep into the woods under the blanket of darkness. Jars of moonshine, wrapped in burlap, hid in his pockets. A subtle sign of the silent rebellion we mountain people engaged in. Settled at the table, lantern low, he used his knife to sharpen the stump of pencil…

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