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Tag: NaNo

Handling Feedback

Handling Feedback

One of the most important parts of writing is the feedback one gets. Did the reader enjoy the story? If not, why? Did they love the story, if so why? What was their favorite part? The questions can be quite endless, and just about all feedback is good because it helps one grow as a writer. Ahh, you caught that, right? I said, “Just about” because sometimes some feedback isn’t even worth the time and effort to read. Now, I’m…

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2023 Writing Goals

2023 Writing Goals

Would you believe, Dear Reader, that I sat down in January and began composing this piece only to be distracted by life events and then failed to return to the project? Today, on this dreary February afternoon, while I hunker down during a tornado watch and try not to jump as the thunder shakes the house and lightning flashes, I’m attempting to finish writing this. When, at long last, you get to read this, we’ll likely be in the early…

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Goodbye November

Goodbye November

November rolled in with a gust of warm air, a charge of excitement, and a frenzy of typing. There were late nights and early mornings, never a great combination. We reveled in virtual word sprints, where many of us learned how fast we could type when the screws were put to our thumbs. We partied at write-ins, both virtual and in person, and laughed until our sides hurt. We wrote in unusual places, some of which shall never be mentioned,…

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Blog Wars

Blog Wars

It all started simple enough, if you excuse the fact that I was in a grocery store on New Year’s Eve. It wouldn’t have happened if we could mandate that holidays like New Year’s Eve could always fall on a weekend, but no, they creep up on us on Mondays or Tuesdays even Wednesdays from time to time and catch you completely unawares. That was me. I was caught unawares. It’s embarrassing to admit, really it is. I generally feel…

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