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Tag: Old Journals

Shopping Overseas

Shopping Overseas

Many things one does on a weekly basis is grocery shopping. It can be a simple task if you exclude the other shoppers around you. However, learning to find items in a new grocery store, in an entirely new country, can often be a small struggle, even more so when you are living in a country who spells yogurt with an h. My first shopping experience here was nothing short of harrowing, stressful, and breath taking, but not in the…

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There are times when you feel like you’re a reasonably good Mom, but there are also times when you wonder if you’ve done your best, given enough attention, attended to situations as well as you could have. Maybe it’s that we are so consumed in the present that we lose track of the past. We forget those glorious moments that were unplanned, the spontaneous moments of fun and freedom. We remember the time we dragged people to the parade despite…

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The House Plant

The House Plant

Penny bustled around the kitchen quickly putting things in order, wiping leftover toast crumbs off the table, and checking that the floor was clear of debris. She worked with a frazzled sense of hurry about her as she flew from one task to the next. Brushing away crumbs one moment, closing cupboards the next, scooping up toys from the floor and throwing them in a basket. Her eyes darted, occasionally, to the window, a slight pause in her rushing to…

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