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Tag: True Stories

NaNoWriMo 2023 Goals

NaNoWriMo 2023 Goals

NaNoWriMo is only two weeks away as I write this, and I’m working on my November writing goals. I’m a planner by nature. Sometimes I become a little too obsessed with the plan, and I have to remind myself it’s just a tool to help me remember all the things I’m supposed to tackle in a day. I mentioned my main project would be a retelling of the Nativity in a modern day setting. Of course, this means it will…

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4 ORGANIZATION Ideas For the Writer

4 ORGANIZATION Ideas For the Writer

People have asked how I stay organized while writing. Some individuals possess a natural inclination for organization, while others don’t. I also believe that each person’s idea of organization differs. I’m a fan of things being orderly. My post-it notes have an order about them when hung on the wall or thrown in my notebooks. It all makes perfect sense to me. My husband, however, finds organization in what I can only refer to as pure chaos. I sit at…

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Jesus & The Lame Man

Jesus & The Lame Man

For thirty-eight years, a lame man has lived at the Pools of Bethesda. It sits near the Sheep Gate, or market, outside the temple. A place bustling with life, health, and wellness. The people hurrying through, turn a blind eye to the suffering, broken outcasts who lived at the nearby pools. They are unmoved by what they see, jaded by the normality of walking past it so often. Immune to the brokenness that lives within this place known as The…

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A Ham of a Story

A Ham of a Story

When we lived back on the island I had a wild idea that if my husband just downloaded the app for the local grocery store we frequented, it could cut down on his frustrations while shopping. At that time he worked a block away from the store, and if we ran out of something or needed a last minute item I could text him before quitting time and he’d run over and pick things up. The issue that we always…

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