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Tag: Writing

Unanswered Questions

Unanswered Questions

Unanswered Questions Out on the jetty, the wet rocks were slick when she lowered herself, feet dangling over the ledge, her tormented face a fractured reflection in the surging water. Gulls overhead shrieked, and she longed to join them. Icy waves crashed into the rocks as she assaulted him with questions he failed to answer. The spray of the ocean stung her cheeks and mingled with her tears like a ghost’s chilling whisper. “Answer me,” she begged, desperate to hear his…

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Stormy Night

Stormy Night

STORMY NIGHT Lightning cracked, awakening the sky as the air vibrated with a rolling boom of thunder that echoed off the mountains and rolled down into the valley, carrying debris with it. Cold, icy rain drummed down, pelting windows that fogged up as though they could blanket themselves against the bleary weather raging outside. It pooled in the dirt until thick mud puddles formed on the road. The wind joined the orchestration as it whistled through treetops, and threaded itself around…

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Dangerous Game

Dangerous Game

Dangerous Game They lied about how they met. Strictly speaking, it wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth, either. To know their entire story was a dangerous game to play. The weight of knowing an unbearable burden, a constant reminder of the suffocating net they were entangled in. Few partook, and most were dead. For the rest, it was inevitable their luck would run out. A perilous dance between life and death, forever bound to a fate that seemed…

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Inner Thoughts

Inner Thoughts

Old age has crept up on me, although by many standards I am not old. I am older than I once was, but generations ahead of me chuckle at the idea that I am old. Yet, the spring in my once lively step is gone. I am well acquainted with the banter as I ascend or descend stairs, and plan my outings around the weather, some of which makes my joints ache. I rise and fall with the sun, and…

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