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Tag: Writing

First Impressions

First Impressions

I stand in the middle of the crowd and know what people think as they stare at me. They see me smile as I give them my full attention. I listen and nod while they share their woes and troubles. I offer sympathy without judgment, and an encouraging word where I can. They stare into my eyes, which I presume are gray or brown or whatever color they were when I was born. It’s hard to remember, because I haven’t…

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Dear Reader, What a month it’s been! At the end of November, I crashed — and hard. I slept in far more than was normal for myself and struggled to sit at the writing desk and concentrate long enough to put coherent sentences together. It was a strange feeling to need a vacation after a month of digging deep and writing my heart out.  I’ve taken part in National Novel Writing Month since back in 2009, and I never recall…

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TGIO 2023

TGIO 2023

This is a series of questions I came up with for my local writing group to chat about at our Thank Goodness It’s Over party, which we’ll likely be celebrating the day you read this. I thought you might enjoy hearing some of my answers. I confess I didn’t include all the questions because some might not make sense to read. If you’d like a printable list of the questions for yourself or to share with fellow writers, you can…

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Final Nano Prep

Final Nano Prep

I’m caught a little off guard as I sit down to write today. I’ve been a jumble of nerves for a few days now, and I can’t quite put my finger on why. It happens now and again, be it from excitement or something else, I’m never sure. It was magnified when I sat down to write this, and noticed that while I had the rest of November mapped out with what I was going to share here, I’d failed…

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